and Marketing

1) How can I increase traffic to my store or products on Dropee ?

We love that you are putting in the thought and effort to market your store and products on Dropee. Dropee will work hand-in-hand with you to publish your marketing campaigns on our site under the ‘Promotions’ tab on your dashboard.

Do reach out to us on our Seller WhatsApp support channel for a ‘Marketing Deck’ and ‘Campaign Request Form’ which will give you a clearer idea on how to run campaigns.

With that said, we encourage you to share your store links on your social media accounts! 

2)How can I increase traffic to my store or products on Dropee? Does Dropee do social media shoutouts for sellers?

At the moment, we feature new suppliers and their campaigns in our monthly newsletter’s EDM. If you would like a social media shoutout, please create a post on your social medias, and Dropee will share it on our social media pages as well. Social Media postings are up to Dropee’s discretion.
