Managing Your Store

Now, we move on to managing your store, which includes understanding how the dashboard works, fulfilling orders, setting up special retailers and using insights from your store to better serve your customers.

Your Dashboard

When you log in to your Dropee Direct account, you’ll immediately see your dashboard:

Through the dashboard, you’ll be able to view an overview of your store’s performance. It provides a roundup of your store, split into four main criteria: 

  • Orders
  • Sales (in MYR)
  • Products
  • Customers

Note that all of these boxes are clickable, which means you can get more in-depth information for the respective criteria, with the option to filter according to your desired timeline.

For example:


In the Orders box, you can see how many orders were made in the past month, the past week and the current month.

When you click on it, you’ll be able to see your Orders Insights, split into two updates:

  • Order to Process: The orders that are pending confirmation. These are usually orders that are pending your confirmation. 
  • Due Payments: The orders here are payments that are pending from the customer. 

This overview allows you to see the next immediate steps to take. 

This way, you’re aware of which orders to focus on – helping your team to prioritise. 

Sales (in MYR)

Similarly for sales, you can see how many sales were made in the past month, the past week and the current month.

For Sales Insights, you’ll have an overview of…

  • In Progress orders: Orders that are confirmed, but have yet to be delivered
  • Completed orders: Orders that are delivered and marked as complete. 


The Products box allows you to see the products uploaded to your store.  

As for Product Insights, you’ll see…

  • Best Sellers: Your best-selling products will appear here, categorised by the total sales. 
  • Stock Alerts: Products with little unit lefts will appear here, where you can update your stock number as well.


Lastly, your customers overview compiles two things:

  • New Customers
  • Recurring Customers

This helps you to identify your old and new customers, and makes it easier for you to do any form of outreach. 

Managing Orders

Once an order comes in, you’ll be able to see its information in the Orders tab, including Items Ordered, Order Total, Order Status and Payment Type.

Filter by the toggle bar here to get a segmented view of your orders. This helps you to identify your orders easily.


All: All orders, no matter the filter, will appear here.

Process Today: Orders that come in before the cut-off time. 

New: Orders that come in after the cut-off time. 

Confirmed: For orders that you’ve confirmed, it will appear here.

Completed: For orders that have been delivered, it will appear here.

Rejected: You can reject orders (for out-of-stock items) in the confirmation process – those will appear here.

To get in-depth details for your order, click on the Retailer Order No (highlighted in orange).

Because your orders can come in several ways, here’s what you need to take note of:


For Paid Orders that are New

Some of your customers ordered and paid directly to your bank account (via payment gateway), which means the Payment Status is Paidand the Order Status is Pending Confirmation.

You will need to confirm or reject the order.

If you choose to confirm it, you can update the delivery tracking information for your customer (optional). 

To reject the order, just click on the ‘Reject Order’ button.


For Unpaid Orders that are New

Some of your customers may not have paid directly, and prefer to pay directly to you by cheque, cash deposit or credit card.

For these, it will appear as ‘Unpaid‘, and Order Status as ‘Pending Confirmation’.

Similarly, you can choose to confirm or reject the order. 

If you wish to fulfill the order, you would need to ‘Accept Payment’ to change the the order status once you’ve received the payment via external platforms (bank in, cheque etc.)

Here’s how:

  1. Click on the specific retailer order number
  2. Click ‘Accept Payment’
  3. Key in the Payment Summary

However, if your customer have not paid, do not Mark as Completed.

Instead, go to your Dashboard and click on Due Payments to Send Reminder.

To Reject Orders, click ‘Reject Order’ – these will appear in the Rejected tab.


For Confirmed Orders

For orders that you’ve accepted, you will need to fulfill these orders within your stipulated time range.

Once fulfilled, you can Mark the Order as Completed (Delivered).

It’s important to constantly edit your product range, which includes your product status, product information or product images, so that your customers always receive the latest information!

Here’s a series of scenarios, and what you can do for it.

If you no longer carry the product, and won’t re-stock it anymore

Please delete the product so that it will no longer appear in your products listing. 

If your product is out-of-stock

  1. Click ‘Edit
  2. Change the product status to ‘Inactive‘ so that they are hidden from buyers. 


Unlike other e-commerce platforms or marketplaces, you can create your own list of Special Retailers – an important feature to have in the B2B world. 

This means you can set special pricing and promotions for a specific set of retailers – all according to your own rules. 

Here’s how to do it. 

  1. Head over to Retailers > Special Retailers.
  2. Next, click ‘Add’.
  3. Select the retailers from your list! You should have a list of retailers already in your account during the onboarding process. 
  4. After, you’ll be able to input special pricing for the specified customer. You can either…
    1. Create a default special price 
      1. Create a default special price. Under Special Price Global Settings, there’s a box for Default Special Price. Click ‘Add’. 
      2. From here, you can set the name, as well as how many percentage or currency would be reduced for this customer. 
      3. You can choose to apply this default special price to all products, or no. 
      4. When you’re done, click ‘Update’. 
    2. Create Special Price Custom Settings
      1. For this, you can add custom price for specific products.
      2. Next, select the products.
      3. After, you’ll see the information for this specific product.
      4. You can add the default promotion or custom price per unit.
      5. Click ‘Save’.


On your Dropee Direct account, you can use the ‘Search Logs’ function to look at what your customers are searching for. 

To view, go to ‘Ecommerce‘ > ‘Search Logs‘.

There are three types of insights available to you: 

  • Top 10 Searches: The top keywords searched
  • Logged in vs Not logged in: How many of your users are logged in
  • Search Logs: The customer that searched for the specific keyword.

All feedback given by your customers will be stored and displayed in the User Feedback chart. 

To view, go to ‘Ecommerce‘ > ‘User Feedbacks’.

On this tab, you get…

  • An overview of feedback received (all time) displayed in a bar chart
  • The ratio between paid orders vs feedbacks 
  • The individual feedback received

This handy feature parked under ‘Ecommerce‘ > ‘Cart Items‘ is where you can see what products are currently in your customers shopping cart. 

This gives you a quick overview of what your customers are interested to purchase. 

If your customers have any questions on the product, they can ask questions, and you can see them at ‘Product Questions‘ (Products > Product Questions)

Once you’re here, there are two tabs…

  • Pending/Inactive Questions: Questions you have not answered. 
    • To answer, click on ‘Edit’. 
  • Answered Questions: Questions you have answered. 
    • You can still edit your answers even if you’ve already answered.

Back: Setting Up

Learn how to upload products and understand shipping rates.

Next: Creating Promotions

Next up, learn how to manage the promotions for your store!